Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Obama Administration and the NAACP: It's not Racism when WE do it!
Americans are getting fed up with the Obama Administration's lack of discernment in appointing qualified individuals to positions of power. Beyond the non-taxpaying tax-collectors and dirty lobbyists, there are people within the ranks of the Administration who are blatantly racist and are seized with the rush of power that has been bestowed upon them.
Part of this problem has stemmed from the President's decision to pull from leadership from within radical organizations that continually spew hatred upon people from other "classes" in society. He has surrounded himself with people who believe it is the purpose of government to start a war between the classes in this country.
For a candidate who promised Unity, Hope and Change, this has been a very disappointing presidency thus far.
I know where I stand in November.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Congressman Bob Etheridge Should Go to Jail
If House Leadership allows this kind of conduct in their Members we've got a real problem. Not only should Congressman Etheridge retire, he should be brought up on assault and battery charges.
If this video of a Congressman assaulting a student doesn't terrify you, then maybe this statement will:
"Why should freedom of speech and freedom of the press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes is right allow itself to be criticized? It would not ...allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns."-- Vladimir I. Lenin
When Members of Congress physically attack people (press or students) who have done nothing but ask a question, we've got big problems.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Environmentalist's BP Oil Opportunity
Jacqueline Leo, Editor in Chief of The Fiscal Times, has a blog post on The Huffington Post about BP's recent purchase of Google Search Terms. She claims that the company is buying up the ad landscape to prevent people from coming across websites that would say something negative about BP and the oil spill in the gulf. While this would seem to be true, it would be hard to think that BP could do much to prevent the onslaught of negative press that will continue to pound the company's image in the coming days, weeks and years.
My question for Ms. Leo and all environmentalists who have disgust for the company: Why don't you try to hurt the bottom line of the oil giant you hate so much. This seems like the perfect opportunity. If they are overpaying for the ad space, why not launch a campaign to have all grassroots supporters click on the links and drive up their advertising costs? If they have a daily spending cap on ads, then you will also push them past that cap and open the search term to the non-profits that can't afford to pay the high rate for the search terms.
Hopefully the tags in this post provide you with the opportunity to start that campaign!
My question for Ms. Leo and all environmentalists who have disgust for the company: Why don't you try to hurt the bottom line of the oil giant you hate so much. This seems like the perfect opportunity. If they are overpaying for the ad space, why not launch a campaign to have all grassroots supporters click on the links and drive up their advertising costs? If they have a daily spending cap on ads, then you will also push them past that cap and open the search term to the non-profits that can't afford to pay the high rate for the search terms.
Hopefully the tags in this post provide you with the opportunity to start that campaign!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Woman is Obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Okay, so it has nothing to do with politics or Congress, but it really freaked me out. I mean, I liked the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and was upset when my parents got my Bebop and Rocksteady instead of Leonardo, but I was six years old!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Looney Tunes: Democrats on Health Care
I would say this says it all. They don't know what they've passed, but they do know that they want to control the economy. That's a recipe for disaster.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Congressman Hank Johnson Warns of Capsizing U.S. Territories
If you haven't seen this video of Congressman Hank Johnson, it will leave you dumbfounded.
Clearly, his Congressional staff had to do some damage control by putting out the following statement on his Website:
"The subtle humor of this obviously metaphorical reference to a ship capsizing illustrated my concern about the impact of the planned military buildup on this small tropical island."
Sorry, but no one is buying that line.
I feel bad for the guy. Obviously, he has no understanding of physics nor geology nor basic science. It's just a bit disturbing that people like this are in positions of such power. But then again, we get the government we vote for. Hopefully, the people of Georgia will remove this embarrassment from office in November.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Kalt's Law Of Presidential Facial Hair | The New Republic
This is one of Political Science's greatest finds in recent history. Looking at the data since 1952, I won't stand a chance with my "Glorious Forest of Fauna."
Kalt's Law Of Presidential Facial Hair | The New Republic
This video explains the "Glorious Forest of Fauna" reference.
Kalt's Law Of Presidential Facial Hair | The New Republic
This video explains the "Glorious Forest of Fauna" reference.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Alcee Hastings Clearly Explains the Democrat House Rules Process
I wondered what the process would be from "the most transparent Congress in the History of this Republic."
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Where Do Toss-Up Members Stand on the Deem and Pass Health Care Legislation?

If your Congressman is highlighted in:
Green - They are not voting for The Deem and Pass Health Care Bill. Call them and thank them.
Blue - It is our understanding that they are leaning NO. Call them and encourage them that they are leaning the right way.
Yellow - They are undecided. Call them and tell them that you oppose the Deem and Pass Health Care Bill. Get as many of your friends to call as well.
Red - It is our understanding they are leaning YES. Call them and ask them what their position is and tell them they should oppose the legislation.
Adler, Altmire, Arcuri, Baird, Barrow, Bean, Berry, Boccieri, Boren, Boucher, Boyd, Bright, Cao, Carney, Chandler, Childers, Costello, Cuellar, Dahlkemper, Davis, Davis, Donnelly, Driehaus, Edwards, Ellsworth, Foster, Herseth-Sandlin, Hill, Holden, Kanjorski, Kaptur, Kirkpatrick, Kissell, Kosmas, Kratovil, Lipinski, Lynch, Marshall, Matheson, McIntyre, McMahon, Melancon, Michaud, Minnick, Mitchell, Mollohan, Murphy, Nye, Ortiz, Owens, Perriello, Peterson, Pomeroy, Rahall, Ross, Shuler, Skelton, Space, Stupak, Tanner, Taylor, Teague, Titus
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
(Funny) Should I Buy a Home or Rent?
This totally would be one of the funniest videos I've ever seen, if it weren't so true. And people wonder why we are in the state we're in.
fannie mae,
ginnie mae,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Where Are the Votes on Health Care?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Joe Trippi Drafts Slip-of-the-Tongue Joe Garcia
On his website, Joe Trippi has once again begun his attempt to draft Party Hack Joe Garcia to run for Congress. This is the Joe Garcia who used to be the President of the Cuban American National Foundation, Former Democratic Appointee to the Florida Public Services Commission and Chairman of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party. He is currently an appointee in the Obama Administration, serving in the "esteemed" role of Director of the Office of Minority Economic Impact and Diversity of the Department of Energy.
What's most fun about him is his amazing ability to say the dumbest things while in front of the camera.
Joe Garcia said that farmers shouldn't have the right to decide who is President of the United States, even though Florida-25 has a large agricultural sector. Real smart.
For whatever reason he chose to make fun of both Texans and Mexicans in this clip.
Beyond all those things, he's just a self absorbed jerk.
Maybe Joe Trippi should reconsider encouraging this party hack to run for office. He's never been elected in his entire career and it's pretty clear why.
What's most fun about him is his amazing ability to say the dumbest things while in front of the camera.
Joe Garcia said that farmers shouldn't have the right to decide who is President of the United States, even though Florida-25 has a large agricultural sector. Real smart.
For whatever reason he chose to make fun of both Texans and Mexicans in this clip.
Beyond all those things, he's just a self absorbed jerk.
Maybe Joe Trippi should reconsider encouraging this party hack to run for office. He's never been elected in his entire career and it's pretty clear why.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Harry Reid: Only 36,000 Lost Their Jobs Today
Surely Harry Reid isn't as stupid as we all think he is by saying this. I can almost guarantee this will make it in a 30 second ad sometime in October.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Republicans Beat Democrats on Twitter
A report released by the Congressional Research Service shows that Republicans have a significant lead on Democrats when it comes to utilizing Twitter and other New Media. The Republican Conference has taken great pride that its Members to do a better job of communicating with their constituents in an efficient, open and transparent manner.
It's interesting to note that Republican Congresspeople are more likely to write their own tweets, as compared to their Democrat counterparts. This begs the question: Why must these Members have a press secretary write everything for them? Can't they think for themselves?
During this month's snow storm in Washington, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, has been welcomed to 2008, finally getting a Twitter account. @LeaderHoyer
Feel free to ask him why his Members are afraid to be as open as Republicans.
Social Networking and Constituent Communication -
It's interesting to note that Republican Congresspeople are more likely to write their own tweets, as compared to their Democrat counterparts. This begs the question: Why must these Members have a press secretary write everything for them? Can't they think for themselves?
During this month's snow storm in Washington, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, has been welcomed to 2008, finally getting a Twitter account. @LeaderHoyer
Feel free to ask him why his Members are afraid to be as open as Republicans.
Social Networking and Constituent Communication -
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Bar Stool Economics - How Taxes Work
Bar Stool Economics - How Taxes Work -
I thought this was a very interesting email that I got. Can you try to get your Congressman to explain to you why they think higher taxes are the answer to getting us out of a recession?
Friday, January 29, 2010
McCain Mouths Response to Obama: 'Blame it on Bush'
I did not notice this the first time around. Apparently after President Obama blames all the country's problems on the last President you can actually see John McCain mouthing the words, "Blame it on Bush." Did anyone else notice this?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Stop Spending Our Future - The Crisis - (Video)
Wow. This is a very impressive video. I don't know that the President's "Dent in the Spending Plan" from last night's State of the Union will even begin to address the issue.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Nate Silver's "Senate Rankings: Post-Masspocalypse Edition"
Senate Rankings: Post-Masspocalypse Edition
If you haven't checked out Nate Silver's analysis of the potential makeup of the US Senate post 2010 election, you should. He has one of the most impressive systems for predictions. I wish I was able to see all the details behind his analysis, but you should definitely read his recent blog post on this, regardless of your political affiliation or understanding of statistics.
I'm not sure where I stand on the outlook for my home state's Senate race. Here's his insights:

Speaking of which, the Republicans are potentially taking a risk in Kentucky if they nominate someone who's never run a campaign before rather than their Secretary of State."
Any thoughts?
If you haven't checked out Nate Silver's analysis of the potential makeup of the US Senate post 2010 election, you should. He has one of the most impressive systems for predictions. I wish I was able to see all the details behind his analysis, but you should definitely read his recent blog post on this, regardless of your political affiliation or understanding of statistics.
I'm not sure where I stand on the outlook for my home state's Senate race. Here's his insights:
Speaking of which, the Republicans are potentially taking a risk in Kentucky if they nominate someone who's never run a campaign before rather than their Secretary of State."
Any thoughts?
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Milton Friedman on Greed
If you have not yet seen this video of Milton Friedman discussing "Greed," please watch it now.
We are in an era where people think they can trust politicians, who promise great things, to serve their interests better than the free enterprise system. It's due a lack of understanding in economics that many Americans believe that a "Great Man" or the "Greater Good of the Collective" will protect their liberty and prosperity. We have been fortunate enough to thrive as a nation under limited government and regulatory controls, but seem to be moving to a new era.
Friday, January 1, 2010
How Unemployed Are Americans?
I thought this was classic. We clearly don't report unemployment in the most intellectually honest manner. Do you fit into one of these categories? Ask your Congressman why BLS reports incorrect information.
are you unemployed?,
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