Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Kalt's Law Of Presidential Facial Hair | The New Republic

This is one of Political Science's greatest finds in recent history. Looking at the data since 1952, I won't stand a chance with my "Glorious Forest of Fauna."

Kalt's Law Of Presidential Facial Hair | The New Republic

This video explains the "Glorious Forest of Fauna" reference.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Alcee Hastings Clearly Explains the Democrat House Rules Process

I wondered what the process would be from "the most transparent Congress in the History of this Republic."

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Where Do Toss-Up Members Stand on the Deem and Pass Health Care Legislation?

If your Congressman is highlighted in:

Green - They are not voting for The Deem and Pass Health Care Bill.  Call them and thank them.

Blue - It is our understanding that they are leaning NO.  Call them and encourage them that they are leaning the right way.

Yellow - They are undecided.  Call them and tell them that you oppose the Deem and Pass Health Care Bill.  Get as many of your friends to call as well.

Red - It is our understanding they are leaning YES.  Call them and ask them what their position is and tell them they should oppose the legislation.

Adler, Altmire, Arcuri, Baird, Barrow, Bean, Berry, Boccieri, Boren, Boucher, Boyd, Bright, Cao, Carney, Chandler, Childers, Costello, Cuellar, Dahlkemper, Davis, Davis, Donnelly, Driehaus, Edwards, Ellsworth, Foster, Herseth-Sandlin, Hill, Holden, Kanjorski, Kaptur, Kirkpatrick, Kissell, Kosmas, Kratovil, Lipinski, Lynch, Marshall, Matheson, McIntyre, McMahon, Melancon, Michaud, Minnick, Mitchell, Mollohan, Murphy, Nye, Ortiz, Owens, Perriello, Peterson, Pomeroy, Rahall, Ross, Shuler, Skelton, Space, Stupak, Tanner, Taylor,  Teague, Titus

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

(Funny) Should I Buy a Home or Rent?

This totally would be one of the funniest videos I've ever seen, if it weren't so true. And people wonder why we are in the state we're in.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Where Are the Votes on Health Care?

Looking to see if your Member of Congress is on the fence? Give them a call and ask them where they stand.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Joe Trippi Drafts Slip-of-the-Tongue Joe Garcia

On his website, Joe Trippi has once again begun his attempt to draft Party Hack Joe Garcia to run for Congress. This is the Joe Garcia who used to be the President of the Cuban American National Foundation, Former Democratic Appointee to the Florida Public Services Commission and Chairman of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party. He is currently an appointee in the Obama Administration, serving in the "esteemed" role of Director of the Office of Minority Economic Impact and Diversity of the Department of Energy.

What's most fun about him is his amazing ability to say the dumbest things while in front of the camera.

Joe Garcia said that farmers shouldn't have the right to decide who is President of the United States, even though Florida-25 has a large agricultural sector. Real smart.

For whatever reason he chose to make fun of both Texans and Mexicans in this clip.

Beyond all those things, he's just a self absorbed jerk.

Maybe Joe Trippi should reconsider encouraging this party hack to run for office. He's never been elected in his entire career and it's pretty clear why.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Harry Reid: Only 36,000 Lost Their Jobs Today

Surely Harry Reid isn't as stupid as we all think he is by saying this. I can almost guarantee this will make it in a 30 second ad sometime in October.